Don’t miss the NanoSafety Cluster events during Nanosafe 2020
On Nov 16, 2020 the NSC WG-A is hosting an Education Day @ NanoSafe Digital Conference. This event will highlight how individual research projects fit into the wider picture and depict the overall strategy behind NanoSafe(ty).
More information can be found here:
Watch the promotional video created by CEA here:
On the same day (16 Nov 2020) at 13:00 CET, the NSC General Assembly will take place, which is open to all NSC members.
You can see the agenda here.
Finally, on Nov 23, the NanoSafety Cluster WG-A is organising a Training Day on tools developed and provided by NSC projects.
More information can be found here.
For participation free of charge for one of the NSC events please register here.
We look forward to your participation.
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