The Horizon Results Platform: The central pillar of the EC-funded research results “exploitation ecosystem”.
“…a place where EU Research project results can flourish into innovations that contribute to our society and economy, and to a sustainable future!”
The Results Platform...
• is free – your can promote the Key Exploitable Results (KERs) of your project(s)
• is easy to use – hosted under the Funding & Tenders Portal where you manage everything else for your projects
• is a matchmaking tool - you can use the wide range of flags and attention-grabbing features to attract your target audiences and support brokerage
• is managed by you – you can publish and update KERs whenever they are available
• reaches out to many audiences – politicians, investors, researchers, scientists, scholars, entrepreneurs, financing experts, IP specialists, and other stakeholders visit regularly
• triggers services and opportunities at no cost to you – depending on the nature and needs of your result(s) it allows you to announce relevant upcoming calls for proposals, pitching events with investors, possibilities for assistance with our dissemination plans, business development plans, innovation management, IP management, etc